Nine reasons to wait for Star Wars Battlefront

Nine reasons to wait for Star Wars Battlefront

Development Star Wars: Battlefront Two years have been conducted, and this fall, November 17, the game will finally be released. In relation to it, the game community has a fair amount of skepticism, but there is also the confidence that Dice will get an excellent shooter and just a good game of " Star Wars "(And there are not enough such).

We decided to explain why Battlefront Still it is worth waiting for her.

1. This is "Star Wars"!

" Star wars " – the most popular fictitious universe in the world, but it cannot at all boast of an abundance of AAA class thematic games, despite the fact that we really love to shoot at attack aircraft, fight on light swords and use force. IN Star Wars: Battlefront I would like to play at least then to visit Endor, Tatuin and other iconic planets again.

The last high -budget game Star Wars »I went out four years ago – it was Star Wars: The Old Republic. The game is good and still popular, but if you are not a fan of online role -playing, it will only interest you by the plot, and outside the main chain of quests becomes boring. As for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars 2011, then, despite the indestructible mechanics, by the third part of the LEGO series the concept was blessed.

2. Stunning graphics

The trailer that caused a storm on the Internet, of course, staged, although it is made on the game engine. Such graphics in Battlefront It won't. But gameplay demo, which was shown behind closed doors on Star Wars Celebration (for those who missed, here is a small report from the event), made an indelible impression on us.

Sunny rays, breaking through the crowns of trees, earth, strewn with yellowed foliage, chips flying away after a shot from the trees exactly like in " Return Jedi ", Blurred spots of spiders rushing past … Stunningly cinematographically destroying at -at, finally. And what kind of a fighter cabin! And how the attack aircraft fall to the ground, in which the queue was pleased!

The statement of the design director of the game Niclas Feraz-they say, we are waiting for the most addictive game for " Star Wars " – until nothing is supported. But here is the fact that the new Battlefront will be the most beautiful of them, we are ready to believe. In addition, developers are firmly intended to reach a bar of 60 frames per second on all platforms – PC, Xbox One and PS4.

We hope that DICE plans also include 1080p resolution for each version.

3. Dolby atmos

Another technical victory. The game supports new Dolby technology, which should raise the sound in cinemas (and in your living room, if there is a multi -channel system with an amplifier) ​​to a new level.

Clearly explain what she is beautiful, impossible. Just take the word: when after the usual stereo we were turned on atmos, the author of these lines had the feeling that he first had a hearing in his life. Each time, when the multi -ton Imperial step -by -the theciver lowering his paw to the ground, I want to press my head into the shoulders and not breathe. Very impressive.

4. Famous characters

Like in Battlefront 2, We will be allowed to play for the famous characters of the universe. There is no complete information about who will be presented in the game, but the presence of Lord Vader and Bobe Fett has already confirmed.

IN Battlefront 2 , If you manage to kill a bunch of enemies in a row, under our control they issued a hero (or villain). Jedi could jump, somersault, throw enemies by force and wave a light sword. Mandalorians caused terrible damage with their blasters and knew how to fly. Palpatine beat with lightning, Wader strangled at a distance and threw a sword. The organized group of players could easily deal with the hero, but he managed to bring a rustle in the ranks of the enemy. In addition, receiving a mighty character from films was regarded as a decent reward for a good game.

How exactly the heroes will be issued in the new Battlefront , It is still unknown. We will hear details about the development system and remuneration on E3.

5. Cooperative with a divided screen

There are so few normal cooperative games that I want to cry. There are almost no normal cooperative games with a separated screen mode. Well, when it comes to a cooperative mode with a separated screen in shooters, knowledgeable people sadly look away. Over the past few years, we have seen among the high -budget games Far Cry 3, Halo 4, Borderlands 2 And … Actually, that's it.

That is why we are waiting Battlefront – We need more games where you can ask the heat to a friend in his presence, and not on the soulless Internet. To get and mockery should be live (cheer, of course, too)!

6. Communication with films

In the game, you can see with your own eyes how Jaccu, a defeated planet from the beginning of a new teaser trailer, became such. Free addition " Battle for Jaccu "Will appear on December 8, and if you pre -order, the" battle "can be downloaded a week earlier – December 1.

It is strange, of course, that the episode was not inserted into the game, but will be released in the form of DLC, but this is already a pure marketing. And in any case, we are interested in how the ship of the Star Destroyer class was buried in the sands of Jaccu.

In addition to Jaccu in the game, you can look at another planet with which we are weakly familiar with – Sulust. It is known that imperial military equipment is produced on the Sulust, in particular-at -at. But in none of the films the planet was not really shown. What did Dice do? We talked with Lucasfilm, and they gave the developers permission to independently create the image of the world. “We have shown a concept with our idea of ​​the world's world. They looked. Ordered something to remove, add something. And the matter has been done, ”Peter Bach, general manager Dice talks concisely about cooperation.

7. Dice can do network shooters

When Pandemic took up Battlefront , Many had concerns – whether they would pull? They pulled, but only to the second part, and that was not perfect, the studio had to study on their mistakes.

Dice – another thing. The Swedes (the game is being developed by the famous Stockholm branch, and not the new Los Angeles) have been making network shooters for almost two decades, and for all this time they have not had a single failure. Therefore, as the fundamental elements of any multi -user shooter – ballistics, map design and balance – we are sure. If you should worry about anything, it is for the quality of the network code (although Battlefield Hardline I escaped problems with the work of servers).

8. Authenticity

The developers were allowed into the holy of holies – in the Lucasfilm archive, where they could touch the very “death star” with their own hands, which we saw in ” New hope ", Try on the very first helmets of the attack aircraft, twist light swords and other props.

Typically, in such cases, developers carefully photograph objects, and then go to the studio to pour over the models and draw textures. But for Battlefront DICE used the technology of photogrammetry, which allows not only an instant to digitize anything (even a person), but also immediately tighten the model with a texture. That is, rust on the helmet of a separate attack aircraft in the game is not a fruit of developers' imagination, but a broadcast of the vision of movie masters.

Among other things, the Swedes went to real locations where films were shot: California forests (Endor), a Finnish mountain village in Norway (hot) and others. The result is impressive. At the sight of the same endor, there is a feeling that you are in a real forest where you can calmly hide among tall trees.

9. Vehicles

Producer Ray McLeod assured us that in the game it will be possible to fly on Tie Fighter, X-Wing, At-AT, At-ST, AIDS and-Hurray Urara! – "Millennium Falcon", the famous ship of Khan Solo, so excitingly shown in the trailer of the new film.

It is not yet reported in which modes the fighters will be available, but it is already known for sure that there is nothing to wait for the battles in space in space. This upset many players, but the developers assure that such a decision will go Battlefront Only benefit.

“We do not think that space battles are needed here. When most players are on the planet – with whom to fight in space? We will focus on planetary battles, ”Peter Bach said about this.

You can understand the perfectionism of DICE – besides, the heart is on the heart, in Battlefront 2 Fights in space were far from perfect. But … still atmospheric and, excuse me, romantic. We will be able to forgive their absence only if the developers perfectly sell air gameplay and drive vehicles on planets. So the Swedes simply have no other choice!

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It is possible that when new details about the game and new videos appear, our list can be replenished. In the meantime, this is enough to look at Star Wars: Battlefront With a new hope and intensely waiting for November.

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